Susan Gainen
Susan Gainen is a whimsical wildlife documentarian and occasional abstract painter.
You can visit Susan's Website or check out her
Etsy Shop or Facebook page.
You can also see her work at The Art Shoppe at Midtown Global Market and the Vine Arts Center, both in Minneapolis.
Green Eyed Owl - a tiny painting scanned into Photoshop and then inverted into green.
Wise Brown Owl - a tiny painting scanned into Photoshop, inverted into brown and orange. It looks like velvet.
Blue Owl Invert - a larger painting scanned into Photoshop, inverted into Blue.
Owl From The Lost Cave Paintings of Saint Paul
"I imagine and excavate the Lost Cave Paintings of Saint Paul from the comfort of my living room
studio. Unlike real caves, my living room is remarkably free of rats and bats."
Pale Owl - an experiment with light colors and a new brush.
Sam the Snowy Owl who left Minnesota for a trip to Mardi Gras in New Orleans. He never came back.