Introduction and Links Owls have fascinated humanity from time immemorial: to some cultures they are symbols of wisdom, while to others they are harbingers of death. Here, we hope to shed some light on these mysterious birds... Owls of the WorldInformation about Owl species Owl ArticlesArticles & general information Owl PhysiologyInformation on owl physiology & anatomy Owl SoundsHear Owl calls & sounds
Some Owl Species Images: Eurasian Scops OwlOtus scops Rufous-banded OwlStrix albitarsis Australian BoobookNinox boobook Spotted Eagle OwlBubo africanus More Owl Species
Some Owl Articles: My Owl Owl Breeding & Reproduction Powerful Owl Photos Owlish words, meanings & origins More Owl Articles
Some Gallery Pictures: A tender momentby Cheryl Arena At the Hollowby Vivek Raut Fluffy Pygmy Owlby Colin Franks Photography Who's out there?by Jan Piecha More Owl Photos